A wise man once said, "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."

Unless I gave birth to you, this statement generally rings true.

Welcome to The Diecinueve: Modest Tales of the Athletically Disinterested Daughter.

18 February 2010


So I thought it might be a good idea to ask Jenna if she was looking forward to playing basketball and see what her feelings were with regard to the sport as a whole.

Two weeks ago, I had the privelege of taking her to a Tigers game and though she missed the first 20 or so minutes due to an obsession with the largest cup of Dippin' Dots on the planet, she seemed to enjoy the game once she started to watch it. I thought exposing her to the sport live as opposed to via television could help her to understand what a truly wonderful endeavor basketball is.

I interviewed the littlest athlete this morning and it went something like this...

Me: Why do you want to play basketball?
Jenna: Because I know how to dribble the ball good. Like three or four times.

(I'll try not to interject too often here, but her answer is a flat out lie. She has never dribbled a basketball in her life.)

Me: Why will you like playing basketball?
Jenna: Because you get to throw the ball and in soccer you don't.
Me: How many points do you think that you get for a basket?
Jenna: Three or four.
Me: What is a foul?
Jenna: A foul means a break because somebody did somebody wrong.
Me: How long does a game last?
Jenna: Two hours.
Me: Can you run for two hours?
Jenna: Maybe one and a half hours.
Me: Can you run fast?
Jenna: Oh yeah, of course I can run fast. I ran around the gym three times yesterday. And I wasn't the last one. I was the next to last one.

(Again, I must interject on the grounds that this answer is, for the most part, untrue as well. Jenna can only run fast if she is pretending to be a horse. Short of that, the child is not speedy.)

Me: What are you most looking forward to?
Jenna: Scoring a goal! 6-0!
Me: What do you dislike about basketball?
Jenna: The ball is orange and I wish it would be purple.
Me: How do you feel about playing basketball?
Jenna: Great fun and exciting, by the way, I spelled exciting yesterday and it was so easy.
Me: What kind of shoes would you like to get for basketball?
Jenna: Unfortunately, probably sneakers would be the best. White sneakers with purple stripes though. Definitely.

It remains to be seen what the season will hold, but the good news is that pictures are scheduled for tomorrow for the team. Smiles should be easy to come by...for now.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that is the best definition of "foul" that I've ever read.
