A wise man once said, "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."

Unless I gave birth to you, this statement generally rings true.

Welcome to The Diecinueve: Modest Tales of the Athletically Disinterested Daughter.

14 August 2010

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

School starts next Wednesday.

Soccer's a comin'...

There's just no stopping that train. Coach Daddy is psyched for a new season and Jenna is, well...

I'll be honest. She's nonplussed.

Our social experiment this Fall consists of evaluating Jenna's athletic apathy when juxtaposed with her little sister's involvement in same endeavor on same team.

I have a feeling that we are getting ready to throw all 'non-competitive' sporting events right out the window. Even the least interested athlete becomes interested in something when competing against a sibling. It doesn't take Freud to tell you that.

In the meantime? Coach Daddy and I are basking in the final three or four days of summer vacation (read: keeping Jenna and The Hannimal from maiming each other until they become the responsibility of teachers for the majority of the daytime hours).

On the record though? If summer vacay is any indication, Jenna needs to work on her defense...in general. The Hannimal is dishing out a lot these days. Coach Daddy is excited to see that enthusiasm on the field as opposed to at the dinner table where it is ill-placed.

Stay tuned for MLS light - the soccer equivalent of MGD 64. If you've wasted money on MGD 64, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't? You're a smarter cookie than I.