A wise man once said, "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."

Unless I gave birth to you, this statement generally rings true.

Welcome to The Diecinueve: Modest Tales of the Athletically Disinterested Daughter.

16 January 2010

In order to fully understand the level of disinterest that my child has for all things athletic, it would be important to note that while she was writing her letter to Santa, I asked her to check with her little sister and add her requests to the letter as well. The younger daughter said that she wanted a baseball bat and a glove. When she came back to report her findings, it went like this:

Jenna: She said she wanted a baseball hat and a glove.
Me: I think she said "bat."
Jenna: No, she said "hat."
Me: Why don't you go ask her again, just to be sure...

*Cue Jenna entering the room, head hanging in complete and total dejection*

Jenna: You were right. She said "bat."
Me: I kind of thought so.
Jenna: (shaking head in disbelief) I just don't understand why anyone would want a bat when they could have a hat.

Herein lies the difference between my oldest and my youngest. They are night and day, oil and water, Nancy Pelosi and good skin care practices...

In the Autumn of 2008, Jenna wanted to join the gymnastics program at her school. Though a mature 5, she wasn't quite physically gifted enough to hang with the other 5 year olds and immediately got demoted to the "baby class." She was not happy. She did, however, continue to go to the lessons and my assumption was that she would excel when compared to the 3 and 4 year olds. I mean, she was the oldest child in that particular class, and it stands to reason that she could handle the material, right?

Not so much.

Her Christmas Gymnastics program was absolutely one of the worst car wrecks I have ever had the privelege of attending. It was as uncomfortable as an episode of "I Love Lucy" with the added benefit of watching 3 year olds that completely surpassed my beautiful daughter in both skill and coordination. If you add to that the fact that my Jenna has absolutely zero concept of how goofy she allows herself to be and how very proud of that goofiness that she is? You have all of the makings of a complete parental cringeworthy nightmare.

It. was. fabulous.

Jenna is uncanny in her sense of self. She does not give two shits about what you think of her. She is absolutely solid with regard to self-esteem. That said, there are occasions when she should not be. This was one of those occasions.


  1. Holy god, this made me laugh, particularly the cringeworthy goofiness. I can picture it now.

  2. If I thought that she wouldn't kill me later in life, I would post the video - it really is horrible. It's like watching Elaine dance.

  3. Sean is just like this, in an 8 year old boy shaped body. Cameron taught him to dribble. Yesterday.
